And in my next life… Here I go down the rabbit hole again. Do any of you do that too – throw in the towel for a moment? My brain becomes this mishmash of discombobulated thoughts and I think it would be easier to just call it a day rather than try to make sense of it all.
I think it’s the dang time change. You wouldn’t think that one lousy hour could affect you so dramatically, but it does, doesn’t it? The onset of darkness in what we know as late afternoon just does not compute. There ought to be a law… But winter is on its way, and we cannot stop it. Life proceeds with or without our approval. And for me, it is proceeding at an alarming rate. Grandma was right – she promised me it would fly as I got older. What a wonderfully wise woman she was. Oh, how I miss her. It is going to be a short blog this week, my friends. I am void of anything resembling intelligent chatter. Of course, some of you may think that already. I wasn’t born yesterday – I know I am very adept at babbling. I am about to embark on my third anniversary on this personal journey of discovery. Three years? That is 36 months, 156 weeks. How does that happen in the blink of an eye? Be it a very finite amount of time, it has given me an infinite amount of joy, insight, and personal growth. Wow. Just wow. Those who have followed me religiously all these years – and you know who you are – have to realize that I dawdle in and out of sanity more often than stars twinkle in the night. It is my lot in life to question every ounce of my being. It’s a curse for certain. And this past week I surpassed 14,000 followers. I am sure that many follow me for the daily giggles posted on my page, and not for the nonsense that I relay in this blog, but it is a vote of confidence that lifts my soul, nevertheless. For what it is worth, I appreciate every single one of you. Now, if I could just get my brain to focus long enough to harbor an intelligent thought. ***SIGH*** It is not going to happen today, is it? Ah, but that is fodder for yet another rant.
Share your thoughts! Click the word Comments below and tell me what you think!
Peggy nance
11/8/2023 08:51:10 am
You truly make my day!
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
11/9/2023 04:24:54 am
Gosh... Thanks, Peggy! It feels great to know I make yours because some days I certainly don't make mine! LOL You cannot imagine how wonderful it is to see your comment... we all need verbal hugs occasionally, don't we? Here's one right back at you!
11/8/2023 10:28:55 am
A faithful follower from the beginning, I thoroughly enjoy your so-called discombobulations, well-played verbal strategies, thought-provoking insights, hints of privy ideology, and varying implications of child-like personality traits (notwithstanding hints of quirkiness). I look forward to foraging future fodder from my friend!
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
11/9/2023 04:35:03 am
Oh, Mike... Verbal strategies, eh? HA! This stuff just blurts out of my brain, my dear friend! LOL But I am so blessed that you still forage my fodder. You are a part of the fabric woven into my being. And only you could possibly know how quirky I really am! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
11/9/2023 09:49:30 am
Verbal strategies, yeah! You're a genuine communicator. I watch you strategically assemble the pieces, perhaps honestly spontaneously spawned, of a thought puzzle into a thoroughly enjoyable word picture. It's a gift, talent, skill, or at least a well-developed knack for thought-provoking wording that keeps us entertained and glad to know and love you.
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
11/11/2023 11:06:07 am
Mike, I have no words! You've temporarily silenced my voice! I just love what I do - maybe that's why it's seems genuine. Thank you... <3
11/10/2023 12:20:35 pm
This is my life in a nutshell and I don’t know where the heck the hours and days go. I am reading your blog for the first time and boy are you really hitting home for a lot of people out here’ Love it!
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
11/11/2023 11:09:11 am
Wow. Thank you, Kat! It is so good to know I'm not alone in my private layer of ozone. Life is riveting if you don't sweat the small stuff! But it still needs to slow down! Leave a Reply. |
AuthorJacque Jarrett Stratman |