I am under the express opinion that Mother Nature needs to get back on her meds. We have jumped from Winter to Spring and back again more times than I care to reiterate.
Yet amid all these atmospheric calisthenics, it has been an eventful “whatever this season is” for me. For the first time in 15 years, I took a vacation. I flew on the wings of a dove to paradise. It provided a refreshing spiritual renewal coupled with a disturbing look into the bowels of humanity. Sounds precious, right? Okay. I am prone to exaggeration. Guilty as charged. It wasn’t paradise, it was Sin City. And my dove wings were just a huge metal cylinder fabricated to thrust packed humans through space like cattle to slaughter. Oh, how times have changed. The seats were tiny, the tray tables minuscule, and the experience less than stellar. Not to mention that a single can of beer would have set me back $8.00. And as I walked through the airport it became apparent that most people don’t travel anymore to relax. Heads down lost in electronic hypnosis, I felt like a human pinball executing dodgeball-like maneuvers. Whatever happened to walk on the right, pass on the left? People walked wherever they damn well pleased with next to zero regard for anyone sharing that space. It was illuminating. But I did have fun. I was lucky to be able to reunite with friends that I had not seen in what seemed like a million years. I am amazed how forever friendships are always a safe harbor that echoes only the fondest of memories. They fill a void in your heart that you had forgotten was empty. I found myself transported through a timeless portal into a beautiful moment when life was genuinely good. Where the essence of time held no boundaries. As a kid, do you remember those connect-the-dots books, filled with pages of numbered dots that looked like nothing until you drew lines between them? Life is one of those puzzles. There are dots of happiness, pain, love, grief, disappointment, joy, sorrow, fear, and ecstasy. And only when you connect them all do you see the masterpiece that is your life. It would never have been complete without all the elements of the puzzle. This trip connected the dots for me. I have endured every emotion known to man over the years, but without every peak and every valley, in its entirety, it would simply be a mass of dots. Even when I cry, and complain, and bellyache, and throw hissy fits, I am one very blessed woman. We all are really. It takes only one rational moment to see it. I say take off your blinders, grab a pencil, and connect the dots of your masterpiece. Who knows. Maybe you’re a Mona Lisa too. Ah, but that is fodder for yet another rant.
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AuthorJacque Jarrett Stratman |