Okay people, time to fess up. How many of you admit to fixing something – anything – by watching a YouTube “How To” video?
Seriously, how did we ever survive without them? I have hard-wired and installed a ceiling fan, restored a wood table, added RAM storage to my desktop PC, and replaced my car battery. And I did it successfully, I might add, all because some nerd king posted a video. Remember my last blog when I admitted to an uneventful week? Well, uneventful segued into chaos practically overnight. My life is just like the weather in Indiana. If you don’t like it, wait a minute and it will change. My laptop is my lifeline to reality. It was gifted to me by a faithful friend when it was greatly needed and has kept me focused on the task at hand – my blog. For the last year, it has not been holding a charge. It had to be plugged in to use. This week, the charging post suddenly broke off in the port leaving half of it deeply embedded. Panic ensued. All I could think is “I’m screwed.” Once I calmed down, I turned to YouTube. Sure enough, I found an abundance of videos addressing my problem. And, of course, the first one made it look really easy IF you had the right tools. So, I frantically scrambled to find the tools on Amazon with the YouTube videos on autoplay in the background. All of them said the same thing until video number five. This blessed angel said that because the tools are so expensive you might try another quick tip before investing. Well, Kiss My Grits. It worked in an instant. I felt like the King of the World, again! We all can do anything we want if we only try, right? Well, I won’t be attempting heart transplant surgery anytime soon, but you get the drift. And if you are truly paying attention, you will know my next action. Did you guess it? Yes, I searched for laptop battery replacement on YouTube, gave myself a thumbs up, and ordered the parts. Self-confidence is a powerful thing. And literally 30 minutes after I started the replacement, it was done. It cost me just under $35.00. And the best part? I’ve been working on the laptop for over three hours without power issues, and still have 50% battery remaining. Don’t tell anyone, but I think I’m brilliant. Okay, so it wasn’t brain surgery. But it just goes to prove that everyone needs to take chances. You need to believe in yourself and believe in magic. If you don’t, that one miracle that you desperately need might never materialize. Ah, but that is fodder for yet another rant.
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7/6/2023 08:29:15 am
We have talked about this. If it's broken and you try to fix it and it remains broken you have lost nothing but some time. So jump in and give it a shot. You can only succeed.
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
7/6/2023 09:45:51 am
100% correct!! Not to mention it is the best ego-booster ever when it works!! :-)
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
7/8/2023 02:41:27 pm
Thanks, Nancy! Sometimes it just feels good to "rock!"
7/9/2023 03:17:52 am
Just one question, how are you going to charge the new battery if the charging port is still screwed up?
Jacque Stratman @Sassy Sentiments
7/9/2023 03:25:09 pm
That would have been a problem, right? But I fixed that first through a YouTube video too! That's where I got the inspiration to try and replace the battery as well! It was a win-win!
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AuthorJacque Jarrett Stratman |