When did the world become so angry? When did kindness become passé? I'm guessing it has always been angry. When you choose to look at life through rose-colored glasses - like I do - its jagged edges become so softly transparent that the fire in your belly rages with good instead of destructive intentions.
I look. I listen. I observe. Many, it seems, handle stress by lashing out at every obstacle in their path. It's always someone else's fault. What is so hard about stepping back to realize every person on the planet faces the same earth-shattering, heartbreaking, godforsaken crises that you do at any moment in time? Your bad day may be a really good day in someone else's eyes. Yes, we argue: "It's their job!" - "I'm the customer!" - "That was rude!" - "There's no excuse!" - and sometimes I would most likely agree. I have been guilty of it all. But, what do we accomplish by snapping back? We become a mirrored reflection of that same insensitivity. Bravo. We just became what we hate. How's that working for you? I'm not saying these deeds should not be addressed. I'm merely suggesting before we choose to yank that band-aid we consider removing it more delicately to abate the aggravation or hurt that always results on both sides. Of course, sometimes attitude has nothing to do with anything. This quiet riot of a rage may well be born from pure jealousy. We berate and belittle to make ourselves feel better. We judge based on what we have, don't have, or want. It certainly isn't pretty but it happens. My crazy thoughts, however, are only a tiny spec in the realm of quantum societal behavior swings. We are just a rapidly changing breed. Immediate responses to almost everything in our lives - fast food, overnight delivery, instant downloads, TV/movies on demand - are programming us to not only need it now but expect it now. And somehow, amid all the chaos, thoughtfulness just flies out the window. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all remember the old adage: you attract more bees with honey than vinegar. Kindness, common courtesy, and simple civility - together - are the honey that binds a civilized world. What a sweet way to enjoy your life more. Let the anger go. In my next life, I think I'll study psychology so I can get paid megabucks for this nonsense. Ah, but that is fodder for yet another rant.
1 Comment
Terry M Oaks
12/9/2020 11:30:34 am
Yet more proof you aren't of this world.......lol. I agreed with almost all your prospectives on life and the influences we observe daily. I wonder if culture, geographic location, religion and my education plays allot into our view of the world and how we fit into it.
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AuthorJacque Jarrett Stratman |